quarta-feira, 30 de abril de 2008

The Tempest - By William Sh.

Reparai, senhores, no que vestem estes homens
e dizei-me se eles são de confiança. A mãe deste velhaco
disforme era uma bruxa tão nojenta
que influenciava até a própria lua
e as mais estranhas marés assim eram engendradas.
Roubaram-me os três; este meio-demónio
- que é, pois claro, um filho bastardo - tramou
junto dos outros tirar-me a vida. Dois são vossos
conhecidos; este pedaço de escuridão
sei bem que é propriedade minha.
I shall be pinch'd to death.

domingo, 27 de abril de 2008

sexta-feira, 25 de abril de 2008

Gestalt Therapy

estaba pensando sobreviviendo con mi sister en New Jersey,
ella me dijo que es una vida buena alla
bien rica bien chevere
['nice'], Y voy! Puñeta!

Trout Mask Replica was released in late 1969, but it still sounds like a signal retrieved from another time and dimension. Put more prosaically, it was a quantum leap from its predecessor in terms of structure and musical complexity. The difference is simply explained: Beefheart had recently had a piano installed in The Magic Band's communal rented house in Cunoga Park, San Fernando Valley, and began using it to generate new material. As he had no piano technique to speak of, the resulting 'compositions' were characterised by relatively short lines, inevitably in different metres. It fell to John French to capture the moment and transcribe these keyboard studies for the rest of the group to play. Building these heterogeneous layers into a structure and then coming up with drum parts to bind them together nearly drove him "nuts", French admits. The process wasn't made any smoother thanks to Beefheart deciding on a whim that parts should be played backwards.
The Magic Band now consisted of French and [Jeff] Cotton (rechristened Drumbo and Antennae Jimmy Semens respectively), plus two new recruits, teenagers Bill Harkleroad (aka Zoot Horn Rollo) on guitar and Mark Boston (Rockette Morton) on bass, who thought they were joining a psychedelic blues outfit. In the months leading up to the Trout Mask sessions, the group lived and rehearsed in the house in Cunoga Park in conditions of grinding poverty, with French, at least, practising for up to 14 hours a day. The group members were definitely malnourished at times, although rumours (or allegations) circulated by the group that Boston lived on dog food and was too weak to leave his bed sound mischievous. Fist fights broke out and the atmosphere soured as Beefheart became increasingly tyrannical. "A comic book Mansonish gestalt therapy kinda thing," is how Harkleroad remembers the time. The first track that was written on the piano with clear illustration of how it could be translated into parts for other instruments (in this case two guitars) was the astringent chamber piece "Dali's Car". Often, Beefheart's initial ideas would run out of steam, and the group had to make aleatoric leaps to complete the journey from A to B. "You guys know what to do," was his prosaic response to queries about how to tie up a particular song's loose ends. Gary Lucas (Beefheart's manager and guitarist later in his career) likened his compositional process to throwing a pack of cards into the air, taking a snapshot as they fell, then getting the musicians to reproduce the frozen moment.
"I got musicians who had never played before," explained Beefheart. "To get them past the 'I' consciousness, you know? That endless 'me, me, me'. Or do-re-mi, whatever that stuff is". This claim is fanciful to say the least; French and Harkleroad could both read music, and all four Magic Band members had been playing for years. But it is true to say that these musicians had never before played music like that on Trout Mask Replica. Although it travels a long way from its sources, Trout Mask Replica is still infused with the essence of the blues. In isolation, some of the guitar lines aren't so different from the stranger articulations of Robert Johnson or Hubert Sumlin, Howling Wolf's guitarist. In addition, Beefheart threaded the music's tangled structure with strands of rock 'n' roll, avant garde jazz and poetry that looked back at the American cultural mythos through a kaleidoscope. When questioned about the record in 1991 he said that he had been "trying to break up the mind in many different directions, causing them not to be able to fixate".
The majority of the 28 tracks were put down in about six hours at Whitney Studios in Glendale, Los Angeles, with Frank Zappa producing. With time added on for the vocal tracks and mixing, the record was completed in just four days.

assim na terra como no céu
the ghost of 'lectricity

domingo, 20 de abril de 2008

Greatest Albums Of ALL Time (PlayOffs #1)

[Que se fôdam os iPods todos, mais o mp3.
Longa vida para o cónego Melo.]

terça-feira, 15 de abril de 2008

Marxismo #3

Parece que há só dois tipos de coisas dignas de admiração no estádio de consciência em que a humanidade se encontra. As do primeiro tipo são os mapas; e as do segundo tipo são os zombies. Mas creio firmemente que há uma relação entre pares (não ordenados) de

1) mapas e territórios;
2) pessoas e zombies.

O mestre L. Carroll fez uma vez o ponto crucial no contexto da descrição de um certo mapa “de uma milha para uma milha [de território (real)]”. Se o uso do mapa parecia suscitar, mais ou menos imediatamente, algumas dificuldades práticas, o certo é que o marxismo – como sabemos – simplesmente não permite atribuir qualquer existência a tal género de dificuldades. Assim se compreende que o personagem relevante também tenha podido, imediatamente, proceder ao esclarecimento cabal da situação então criada:

"We now use the country itself, as its own map, and I assure you it does nearly as well."

O mesmo ponto, mutatis mutandi, está em lugar de destaque na mais recente obra do mestre R. Rotten. R. Rotten já tinha sido o criador do fabuloso Swallow My Children, mas aqui/agora interessa-nos atestar que

(Now you can read...some Korzybski, maybe the real thing itself: "A Non-Aristotelian System and its Necessity for Rigour in Mathematics and Physics" - a paper presented before the American Mathematical Society at the New Orleans, Louisiana, Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, December 28, 1931!)

sábado, 12 de abril de 2008

Comunicação (Subliminar)

diz «ui»
...não digo/consigo [mas tento]

terça-feira, 8 de abril de 2008

The Perfect Woman (The True Self)

[Que se fôda o Tibete - e a China também.]

Take I
Question, Song Liling:
Comrade! Why in Beijing opera are woman's roles traditionally played by men?
Answer #1, Comrade Chin:
I don't know. Most probably a remnant of the reactionary and patriarchal social structure.
Answer #2, Song Liling:
No. It's because only a man knows how a woman is supposed to act.

Take II
Song Liling: Under the robes, beneath everything, it was always me. Tell me you adore me.
René Gallimard: How could you, who understood me so well, make such a mistake? You've shown me your true self, and what I love was the lie, perfect lie, that's been destroyed.
Song Liling: You never really loved me.
René Gallimard: I'm a man who loved a woman created by a man. Anything else simply falls short.

Final take

domingo, 6 de abril de 2008

Progressive Night Songs (Basslines)

ear dis side 2/1

no fun side 1/2

sábado, 5 de abril de 2008

Ataque Violento




Entes Queridos #4 (57% vol)

nho u
ma máqui
na de escrever
verde que diz sem
pre «Berkeley»: How
often must I repeat, that
I know or am conscious of m
Y own being; and that I my self
am not my ideas, but somewhat else
a thinking active principle that perceiv
es knows wills and operates abooout ideas

(Now you can...read some LÊNIN [LÊNIN, V.I. Materialismo e empiriocriticismo: notas críticas sobre uma filosofia reacionária.
Moscou/Lisboa: Progresso/Avante!, 1982 [1908]].)

quarta-feira, 2 de abril de 2008

Gnosei Seauton

Mapa, com legenda, à distância de um clique.

(Now you may go...read some Plato, and express yourself!)

terça-feira, 1 de abril de 2008

Jantar do blog

Para assinalar o aniversário deste blog, irá decorrer hoje, pelas 20.00 horas, um jantar para o qual estão convidados os "postadores" e todos os leitores. Os interessados deverão deixar em comentário o seu contacto de e-mail, para o qual será depois enviado o endereço da residência onde terá lugar o jantar.