quinta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2008

Marxismo #2

1: o credo
2: o rationale
«The attitudes and beliefs that people take as being natural have been inherited through the social structure they're brought up in. An example is the man who believes that women are by definition more suited to working in the home than to making decisions. The belief in the natural puts all this outside of the realm of debate - and unless you have an awareness of your ideas as political manifestations, you won't believe you can change them.»

3.1: one gang of four

3.2: one talking head

4 comentários:

a outra disse...

Muito interessante o texto.

Anônimo disse...

O credo de Marx funcionaria sim...´esqueceram-se´(e acredito que não foi por mal)de lhes associar (à prática)o essencial:LFI!!!

Anônimo disse...

3.2 = fantástico.

Anônimo disse...

3.1 = LEF, FEL, LIF, FLI, ILF, ELF...