domingo, 3 de fevereiro de 2008

Entes Queridos #2

thought is a chemical

process, the most interesting of all transfusions in liquid solution. the mind is an up-spurt of sperm, no, let me alter that; trying to watch the process: ...

given, first a few, then as we get to our own condition, a mass of these spermatozoic particles withheld, in suspense, waiting in the organ that has been built up through ages by a myriad similar waitings

each of these particles is, we need not say, conscious of form, but has by all counts a capacity for formal expression

is not thought precisely a form-comparing and form-combining

if an insect carries a saw, it carries it all the time

the "next step", as in the case of the male organ of the nautilus, is to grow a tool and detach it

(man's first inventions are fire and the club, that is to say he detaches his digestion, he finds a means to get heat without releasing the calories of the log by internal combustion inside his own stomach. the invention of the first tool turned his mind (using this term in the full sense); turned, let us say, his "brain" from his own body. no need for greater antennae, a fifth arm, etc., except, after a lapse as a tour de force, to show that he is still lord of his body)

but man goes on making new faculties, or forgetting old ones

that is to say you have all sorts of aptitudes developed without external change, which in an earlier biological state would possibly have found carnal expression


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